Essential Tips for Using iCloud Photos Library Efficiently

If you are an Apple device user, you must be aware of iCloud Photos, formerly known as iCloud Photo Library. iCloud Photos stores all your photos and videos and syncs it with your Apple account so that you can access those photos from any Apple device or Appleā€™s website via your Apple ID. It automaticallyContinue reading “Essential Tips for Using iCloud Photos Library Efficiently”

How to Enter the DFU Mode on Your iPhone or iPad?

Device Firmware Update is the last step towards troubleshooting iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. DFU mode can help the user to get their device back into working order. DFU allows the iPhone and iPad to get restored from any state. Sources: Here is how to put the iPhone or iPad into DFU mode: PuttingContinue reading “How to Enter the DFU Mode on Your iPhone or iPad?”

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