InnerSloth Looks to Work on Original Game as Sequel of Among Us Is Cancelled

Among Us is a multiplayer game that was released in 2018 by the game studio InnerSloth. The players are divided into the group of Crewmates and Imposters who take on each other. The Crewmates’ goal is to identify by the Imposter to eliminate them and do specific tasks that they have been assigned. At the same time, the Imposters try to kill the Crewmates without being identified. When it was initially released in 2018, it did not get much attention, but with Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing it, it became extremely popular in 2020.  


The space-themed mysterious game is available on iOS, Android, and Microsoft Windows. Even the most subscribed individual YouTuber PewDiePie streamed the game as it outgrew all past expectations. The sequel, Among Us 2, was announced in August, but recently it got canceled as the team is said to be working on improving the original game. The sudden resurgence of the players on the platform probably led to this decision. It seems that the company is looking forward to developing the original version of the game to capitalize on the latest growth in its popularity.  

It, too, seems probable that the creators have something in mind to get the players hooked on the game. The recent announcement of InnerSlouth’s website alludes to the Future of Among Us and talks about how the studio wants to focus and prioritize their energy towards the original game. The statements released by PuffBallsUnited, the co-founder of InnerSloth, pointed out that it was a very tough decision to cancel the sequel of Among Us. Still, the studio believes that it is also the better choice since more and more people are enjoying the original game. They have also pointed out that the plans they had for the sequel will be implemented to update the original game itself. This will be a challenging task for the developers who have to go dig deep into the core code of the game and redo every little detail. 

The studio certainly has taken a stand for the user experience since they have only made their task more challenging by reworking on the original game instead of developing a sequel. The developers have admitted that they had never thought that the game would get so big. Now that it has earned the attention that it deserves, they are looking forward to capitalizing on the opportunity and making it as big as possible. However, no official dates for the update of the game are announced as of now. Since the developers have to work on the core code, it will be a tough challenge for them. If the multiplayer game’s present-day popularity is anything to go by, we can expect it to get bigger and better.

Published by lizamartinee

I am a web developer currently living in Miami, Florida. My interests range from technology to design. I am also interested in programming, camping, and innovation.

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